Day 1; Psalm 25

  1. O Lord! have Mercy upon me
  2. Remove every idol present in my heart
  3. Let spiritual blindness die in my life
  4. Reveal the secrets behind the issues of my life
  5. I reject every form of confusion in Jesus name
  6. Father make your way plain before me
  7. Dear lord, concerning this matter [name it] let me know Your will

Day 2; Deut. 29:29, Psa. 5:8, Dan. 2:22

  1. Thank you Lord for the first day and answered prayers
  2. I destroy every link of my life with darkness
  3. Let every confusion and spiritual blindness die in my life
  4. Father, if I’m wrongly located, relocate me to the place of Your will for me
  5. O Lord! concerning this matter [name it] let me know your will and choice for me
  6. Every wrong covenant, curses, disappointments, delays, or wrong decisions targeted at me, be frustrated in Jesus name
  7. Today! I call forth the plan and will of God for my life in Jesus name


  1. Thank you Lord for the second day and answered prayers
  2. Father expose and destroy all the demonic mysteries and wickedness surrounding this matter [name it]
  3. Dear Lord! my days are numbered, let not my years be wasted; satisfy me early.
  4. Every Power that has held me down from infancy, expire in Jesus name
  5. Father, give me the divine prescription to the issues in my life
  6. Today! I call forth the manifestation of my star, my glory and destiny in Jesus name.
  7. Let my destiny helpers, marriage partner [etc] locate me NOW!

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