• O Lord God Almighty, have mercy on me and give me my mountain by thy thunder.
  • By the boot of Christ Jesus, I crush every giant already possessing my mountain in Jesus name. Genesis 3:15
  • Fierce fiery Angels of the Most High enter into my mountain and expel every giant in the land.
  • Fire of God fall and consume all the prophet of Baal possessing mountain.
  • By the anointing power of Christ Jesus, I break every spiritual embargo and limitations to my mountains, in Jesus name.
  • O Lord, demolish the foundation of every wall of Jericho surrounding my mountain by your blast in Jesus name. Psalm 18:15
  • Every sea between me and my mountain be cleared and dry up by the blast of the Almighty God in Jesus name. Exodus 15:8
  • O Lord, drive out and destroy every marine Leviathan that has taken possession by fire, in Jesus name.
  • Every atmospheric and environmental powers controlling my mountain, fall like lightening by thunder in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Stronger than the strongest, you have my permission to enter my life and drive out every strong man possessing and keeping my mountain. Luke 11:21, 22.
  • O Lord God, give me a spiritual lion heart to completely possess all my lion shares.
  • By the blood of Jesus Christ, I possess or repossess my mountain in Jesus name

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