1. I speak to every mountain (Every high thing, Government, Jericho, obstacle -Name them) in my life and command it to be removed and cast into the sea (Mark 11:23). 
  2. I speak to every financial mountain to be removed from my life in the name of Jesus. 
  3. Let every evil mountain hear the voice of the Lord and be removed (Mic. 6:2). 
  4. I prophesy to the mountains and command them to hear the Word of the Lord and be removed (Ezek. 36:4). 
  5. Put forth Your hand, O Lord, and overturn the mountains by the roots (Job 28:9). 
  6. I speak to every mountain of debt to be removed and cast into the sea. Lord, You are against every destroying mountain (Jer. 51:25). 
  7. Let the mountains melt at Your presence, O God (Judg. 5:5, KJV). 
  8. Make waste the evil mountains in my life, O Lord (Isa. 42:15). 
  9. I thresh every mountain, I beat them small, and I make the hills as chaff (Isa. 41:15). 
  10. Every mountain in my way will become a plain (Zech. 4:7). 
  11. By faith I will sojourn in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, as I am an heir of the same promise (Heb. 11:9). 
  12. I will forsake any bondage that seeks to entrap me, looking forward by faith and setting my eyes on Him who is invisible (Heb. 11:27). 
  13. I decree and declare that by faith I will walk through my trials on dry ground, and my enemies will be drowned (Heb. 11:29). 
  14. I will encircle the immovable walls in my life, and by my faith those walls will fall down (Heb. 11:30). 
  15. Like Rahab, I will receive the men of God with peace. I will not perish with those who do not believe (Heb. 11:31). 
  16. I will subdue kingdoms, rain down righteousness, obtain promises, and stop the mouths of lions because of my faith (Heb. 11:33). 
  17. I declare that I will not only receive a good testimony of faithfulness, but I will also receive all that God has promised (Heb. 11:39-40). 
  18. I am established and anointed by God (2 Cor. 1:21). 
  19. I activate my mustard seed of faith and say to this mountain of sickness and disease in my life, “Be removed and go to another place.” Nothing will be impossible to me (Matt. 17:20). 
  20. Because You have anointed me, I have faith and do not doubt that I can speak to any illness, curse it at the root, and cause it to dry up and die, just as You did to the fig tree. I also know that if I tell this mountain of sickness that is in my way to move and be cast into the sea, it shall be done (Matt. 21:21). 
  21. I declare that I have uncommon, great faith in the power of Jesus Christ, faith that cannot be found anywhere else (Matt. 8:10).

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