• In April 2020 during the first lockdown, I was suddenly asked to move out of the small 1 bedroom annex I was renting so my landlady could use the space for her family. I had to be out in less than 2 weeks! I had nowhere to go and I remember crying that day and saying if only I had my own place I wouldn’t have to go through this! Well God heard my cry and has blessed me with a massive 3 bedroom house of my own! No more renting, I’m officially a homeowner!!!
  • Good morning pastor, the LORD is wonderful, the LORD healed me of headache that want make me cut hair, this headache when it comes it radiate to my neck but after prayers yesterday, I am healed, completely
  • I am from Lagos Nigeria. I have been having difficulty in breathing but immediately after the last prayer point on healing yesterday I got my healing. I can now breath down with my mouth closed. This is something I could not do before. Glory be to God
  • Morning pastor!! I have a testimony. Yesterday when pastor Luke said we should pray that anything that God has not put into our body, we should pray it out and I did. I just had a dream that something like a black slug or worm came out of me
  • Good evening sir. I almost forgot to say this. I have a practical evidence that my Spiritual Insight compass was sharpened and restored after the Prayers yesterday with Pastor Luke. I give God the Glory. IKORODU, LAGOS, NIGERIA
  • Praise God!!! I was heal of chest pain during the opening prayer. Thank you, God.
  • Praise the Lord prayers answered. I received a response this evening according to God’s will. They have not accepted me to remain at my present property where we lived with my son and his family but will offer me a one bed apartment instead,  though i would have loved to stay here because this is 2 bedroom property with 2 double bedrooms, a large front lounge and large kitchen with patio doors. They explained they have families with children who are in need of 2 bed apartments. Thanking the Lord 🙏🏼 and your powerful prayers they agreed I can stay here until they find me a suitable property. I acknowledged and said thank you to them. So, waiting and feeling very thankful and relieved. Thank you so much for your prayers. Sister Olive
  • Pastor Praiiiiiiseee the Lord, I thank God for what he did for my family yesterday. During one of the prayer sessions just before the new year. You said we should write it down that someone here is going to have a testimony in the first or second week of the new year. I felt it strongly that it was for me. I shouted and grabbed it with an A-M-E-N!! 1 or 2 days later, my tax code was changed and implied I will be paying a lesser tax in 2021. The greater shock however, was that yesterday, the tax office sent a cheque for a tax rebate of about $11,000. This is the New Year MIRACLE!! With this money, same yesterday, our debts are all cleared out and 2021 we are now debt free. God is in this place and He is doing amazing things. Please, help share my testimonies…PPN is my family.
  • Honestly Sir, our God is mighty and faithful. During the November program: A New November…Pastor you prophesied new jobs. You said no matter the disappointment of our past applications, the LORD has done a new thing.  Any new application now will scale through. I was tired of applying for different jobs even going for interviews without any result. Nevertheless, I keyed into that prophecy Sir. I saw a new opportunity in an international organisation  for a highly competitive short term contract job. I was skeptical at first because of previous applications I’d made in this same organisation without success. I remembered this prophecy and went ahead to submit my application on 12th November. Surprisingly, I got a call from a friend of mine in December, telling me he was tasked to help in the  selection process for this job. It was a supernatural connection. He saw my application and recommended me out of thousands of applicants. They just needed two people per state. This was how God granted me favour. On 3rd January, I received the mail that I have been selected for the job. I’m to undergo a three weeks training. My flight ticket, to and fro, accommodation and feeding are covered. For the first time in my life I will be boarding a plane. This promotion can only come from the LORD. I’m overjoyed
  • Good evening Pastor, I have a testimony, So I checked my tax account today after I received a message about a tax rebate.  I saw that I had been paid £1002. Praise God! Thank you for all your prayers.
  • God bless you Sir. My new year testimony has started already, cycle stopped for almost a year plus just started showing up yesterday, more grace Sir. From Australia
  • Good morning sir. Compliment of the season.  I invited my sisters in London to the prayer meetings and one of them has a testimony.  She has been in the UK for over 10 years and was eventually given her desired residence permit.  She needs the number of the organizers in order to give her thanks. Regards to sister and the children.
  • MY TESTIMONY. I want to give God praises and thanks for his mercies and love towards me. This year 2020 has been a tremendous year of encounters with the Lord in my life. Firstly, the Lord delivered me from powers of darkness that had troubled my life for 47years through Pastor Henry. I am a believer yet seven demons including household wickedness were operational within me. The most amazing of it all was my deliverance took three days. For each day, different kinds of spirits showed up as Pastor prayed. l had an encounter with an occult man that stole my soul. Part of my soul was held bound in bondage. On the third day, like a dream, l felt my soul returned into my body fully and l burst into singing, rejoicing, praising God and speaking in unknown tongues that l had never spoken before. I heard my soul saying “oh l have arrived” it was such an amazing teary experience. All praises to God Almighty. Lord l bow in awe of you. Secondly, l give God glory for He ensured a property transaction deal didn’t go wrong🙌🏼🙌🏼. I’m thankful for numerous cash gifts l received this December🙏🏽🙏🏽. Abba Father the glory is all yours forevermore. I was healed of swollen leg and boil without medication. Lord You are a good. Thank you Sweet Holy Spirit🥰 for all you did and still doing. Thank you, Pastor Henry, l deeply appreciate your care and undaunted love🥰.
  • Thank you Pastor Henry, just to testify that I got my Christmas gift as prophesied during the Nov/Dec cross over prayers. Immigration Appeal granted by Judge and I formed just before Christmas. 5 years of Immigration battle ended. God is a faithful God, to Him alone be all glory. Thank you.
  • Pastor Good Evening, Thank you for the meeting tonight. The testimony is that am restored, revived and filled
  • Thanks be to God Almighty. I’ve just listened to this powerful message and it really workout a miracle I can’t wait to share: l’ve been battling with knee pain that I can hardly stand without leaning on something but during these prayers. I concentrated on my personal prayer and before I know what it seems something was removed and the pain ended up. Praise God. This is an instant healing that proof God answers prayers. I also believe that very soon other prayer requests will turn out to be testimonies Hallelujah hallelujah Amen
  • Thanks for all your prayers. May the Almighty God bless you and your ministry in Jesus Mighty Name AMEN. Pls don’t be tired of me as I request for the recorded videos of both yesterday and today.  Sir during the course of the programme I saw a hand handling a bottle of oil to my daughter and giving instructions which, I can’t hear but I was saying amen
  • One the miracles I received tonight is that of waist pain. I was actually lying down on the couch having missed the earlier part of the prayers. I had this waist pain for the day and was uncomfortable during my zoom Church meetings today.  As soon as the words came I got up to sit.
  • I dreamt last night that I had a very large turban/head dress made from a snake, that had a long tail and the head was at the end.  And somehow the head got lodged between something and got cut off.  I also so a mad that told me to put on snakeskin like pant and had 2 large seed in his hand.  When I just up out of sleep and realized dream. U went back to sleep and command everything that’s in my body that’s not of God to get out. Within minutes I woke up and hand to go bathroom to purge.
  • God has done it! I finally passed my driving test, it was one of my prayer requests and God has answered. Hallelujah!
  • Good evening sir, I want to thank God for His mercies. During the entry into December programme. I was not feeling too well. At some point the devil began to attack my mind to say it was covid-19. That night you gave a word concerning my case and you prayed against it. I thank God that I did a covid-19 test and as you declared, it came back negative. To God be the glory.  God bless you sir – Kate
  • Good morning sir, Pastor  something happened after yesterday program in my dream l saw somethings coming out from my mouth am using my hand to pull them out it stick to my tongue as am pulling it out blood was coming out until all come out and I woke up sir

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