Edinburgh, 8- 10th August

14 Days Marathon Prayer
Theme: September to Remember Beloved, you are kindly invited to join us in our coming 14 days marathon

August Midnight Battle Cry
Theme: Breaking Forth Our Midnight Battle Cry Event resumes 13-15 August 2021. Kindly keep these dates and join

Month Of August Prayer
Theme: August Breakthroughs Beloved, you are kindly invited to join us for a 3-Day Pray into the Month

We See Not Our Signs P1
Kindly connect Live via zoom https://zoom.us/j/97263318899 or on our YouTube Channel (Prayer Power Network)

July Midnight Battle Cry
Theme: Possess Your Possession Our Midnight Battle Cry Event resumes 9-11 July 2021. Kindly keep these dates and join

May Midnight Battle Cry
Theme: Let My People Go Our Midnight Battle Cry Event resumes 7-9 May 2021. Kindly keep these dates

Believers Spiritual Warfare 3
No believer can make appreciable impact either in life or ministry without engaging the Devil and the forces