Pray Into The New Month

Rest Roundabout
Theme: Rest Roundabout Our Pray in into the new month resumes 29-31 July 2022, 10pm. Join on zoom:

God’s Showers In The Midst of The Year
Theme: God’s Showers in the Midst of the Year 10 Days Programme

Deliverance Programme
10 Days Deliverance Programme| Praying Into The Month Of April | 25 March – 3 April @ 10

Month Of March Prayer
Theme: Pursue, Overtake and Recover All Beloved, you are kindly invited to join us for a 4-Day Pray

Beloved, you are kindly invited to join us in our coming programme | Metamorphosis. 26th November to 5th

A New Thing
Beloved, you are kindly invited to join us in our coming programme | A New Thing. 29-31st October