Finding A Fitting Partner For Your Life
- Sermon By: Pastor Henry Onyirioha
- Categories: Marriage, Partner, Will of God In marriage
Proverbs 24:27, Deuteronomy 30:11-14; Genesis. 2:21-24; Psalm 68:6
The marriage institution began while man was still in the state of his original purity. Marriage is peculiar to our life on earth, not part of the needs for eternal existence in heaven (Matthew 22:30). Yet it is God’s permanent and perfect will for man on earth. Man is created as a social being to enjoy the marriage relationship (Genesis 2:18, 24), to live in families (Psalm 68:6), to rear children (Psalm 127:3), to live in a local community (Numbers 36:5-9, 13) and to live in a particular nation (Acts 17:26). Marriage is part of God’s plan to raise the Christian family. But the believer is not to go searching for a wife or husband, neither are they to resort to the abominable method of ‘sampling’ or ‘picking and choosing’. It should not be a product of infantile decision, misguided imitation, faithless consecration or religious compulsion. God’s original plan of the marriage institution reveals His permanent and perfect will for man as long as the earth lasts (Genesis 2:18,24; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 11:8,12; Ephesians 5:31-33).
Genesis 2:18-23, Revelation 19:6-9; Hebrews 13:4, Matthew 5:31,32 a. Marriage was God’s decision not Adam’s (man’s) decision.
- God formed Eve for Adam
- God brought Eve to Adam
- God established the terms of their relationship
- Marriage is binding for life. No one has a right to divorce and remarry while the first companion lives
- It marks the beginning and ending of Human History
- It shows the relationship between Christ and His Church
- God himself protects the sanctity of marriage
The following are statements are facts about marriage:
Marriage Test:
- Prayer test – Is this from God?
- Purpose test – Does he/she fits God’s purpose for my life?
- Purity test – Is my heart pure as I see her/him?
- Prophecy test – What does the Bible says about him/her?
- Pastor test – Does my pastor approve of him/her?
- Parent test – Does my parents give their consent to our relationship?
- Proper test – Are we compatible medically/spiritually?
Job 33:14-18; Deuteronomy 29:29; 1 Kings 19:13; 1 Samuel 3:10-11; Genesis 18:17
Many Christians are not sufficiently clear on how to discern God’s will and leading for the decisions of everyday life. God still leads His children to His will even today. He does this through His Word (Psalm 119:105,130; II Timothy 3:16, 17), the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, prompting, directing, influencing or checking (John 10:4, 5, 27; Romans 8:14; Proverbs 20:27; I Samuel 9:15-21; 16:13; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 9:10-15). However, any revelation that is received must be
diligently compared with the scripture. If any revelation, visions or dreams contradict the scripture in any way, such are to be rejected as false. To be more explicit, believers can be led by the Lord in marriage via the following ways:
(a) VOICE OF THE INDWELLING CHRIST: John 10:3-5, 16, 27; 1 Kings 19:11, 12 Ezekiel 10:5; John 12:28-30
(b) SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE PERCEPTION: I Samuel 3:4-8; 1 Chronicles 4:1, 2; Nehemiah 6:10-12; Mark 2:8; Luke
(c) INNER WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT: Acts 10:19-21; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 2:9-12; 1 Samuel 9:15-19;
(d) SPIRIT’S CONFIRMATION OF A SERIES OF EVENTS: Acts 9:26-28; 11:22-26, 29, 30; 13:1-3
(e) SPIRIT’S RESTRAINT IN OUR SPIRIT: Acts 16:6-10; 1 Samuel 16:6-12.
(f) DIRECT REVELATION: Job 33:14-17, 23, 24; Acts 2:17, 18; 8:26-29; 9:10-15
(g) DIVINELY IMPARTED UNQUENCHABLE LOVE: Songs of Solomon 8:6, 7; Ephesians 5:22-29; 2 Cor. 13:1-7
Psalms 11:3; Isaiah 58:11,12; Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 18:22; Matthew 7:7-11; Psalms 20:5; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Ezekiel 14:2-5; Psalms 106:10-15; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Psalms 84:11,12
Exodus 23:25-27, 22; Deuteronomy 28:1, 2, 7-13
Fulfilment and fruitfulness of a happy marriage & Family entail the following;
M – Manifestation of God’s glory
A – Abundant life
R – Righteousness
R – Riches untold
I – Increase
A – Anointing
G – Grace
E – Enlargement
As we diligently pursue this fulfilment, we should;
- Pray for God’s guidance – Psalms 32:8
- Persevere for God’s goodness – Psalms 27:13,14
- Picture the glorious end – Ecclesiastes 7:8
- Plan with a good goal – Luke 14:28-30
- Prevent a sheep-goat relationship – 2 Corinthians 6:14
- Prepare for God’s great gift – Proverbs 19:14
- Protect God’s glory – 1 Corinthians 10:31